Darul Arqam Excels In The Vega Interschool Brand Experience

Our learners for the first time participated in a competition hosted by Vega, part of The Independent Institute of Education (IIE) known as the Vega Interschool Brand Experience (VIBE). The competition is hosted nationally in every region.

The competion aims to expose Matriculants to the various fields of studies within the marketing and brand management industry.

Each team consists of 6 learners. This year's brand was 'The 6 pack Masculine Virtues' by author Craig Wilko. Each team was required to research the brand, identify the target market, create a campaign concept and communication strategy, launch the campaign and present their big idea. We are very proud of our learners for placing second out of the 20 schools that participated in the Western Cape Region and earning a prize for our school. Our team from the right:

Ayesha Moos, Bilqees Fagodien, Saafia Cassiem, Mijwaad Damons, Abdul Basiet Abrahams and Daanyaal Davids.

Shukran to our Accounting educator, Mr Ebrahim Hoosain for entering and coaching our team to success.